is an independent and unique web site. It will not only reflect the real life of the people of Mardan but will also work as a tool in the development of this beautiful and wonderful city of culture.

Our Mission Statement

This is an independent and unique web site. It will not only reflect the real life of the people of Mardan but will also work as a tool in the development of this beautiful and wonderful city of culture.

The AIMS of this website are:

  • Provide most accurate and reliable information
  • Reflect the true life of the people of Mardan
  • Work for the education, health, environment and culture
  • Acknowledge the work of those who served/serving Mardan
  • Highlight the problems faced by the people of Mardan
  • Attract visitors to Mardan
  • The ultimate AIM is to be a peaceful and prosperous region.

Please send us your views, comments, news, photos, experiences of your visit to Mardan. Please help us make this site a success!

Thank you for visiting Mardan.

Management Team of MARDAN.COM

Syed Muhammad Ali
Syed Muhammad Ali Office Supervisor
Logo Designing, Book Titles and Art
Muhammad Ikram
Muhammad Ikram Office Supervisor
Finance and Record Keeping
Usman Mardanvi
Usman MardanviTourism Advisor
Archaeologist and Gandhara Art
Hazrat Zubair Zubair
Hazrat Zubair ZubairSub Editor Pasoon
Composing and Book Review
Arshad Iqbal
Arshad IqbalTech Advisor
Abdullah Shah Baghdadi
Abdullah Shah BaghdadiNews and Media Corresponding
Muhammad Akbar Hoti
Muhammad Akbar Hoti Office Supervisor
Legal Advisor, Culture and Laguage
Syed Yasir Ali Bacha
Syed Yasir Ali BachaOrganiser and Public relations